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Run Jenkins with Docker

Run Pomerium with Docker Compose to secure your Jenkins application with JWT authentication and custom claims.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an automation server you can use to build, test, and deploy applications.

Why use Pomerium with Jenkins?

You can set up role-based permissions in Jenkins to control a user’s privileges with Jenkins’ built-in authorization matrix. However, this method requires a username and password to sign in and relies on Jenkins’ user database to store credentials.

JWT authentication is a more secure method of identity verification that authenticates and authorizes users against an identity provider, eliminating the need to store or share credentials to access your Jenkins application.

Jenkins doesn’t support JWT authentication out of the box. With Pomerium, you can implement JWT authentication and apply claims to your route’s authorization policy to determine a user’s role and privileges before granting a user access to Jenkins.

Once you’ve configured JWT authentication, you can assign permissions within Jenkins for a specific user, any authenticated user, anonymous users, or a user group.

Before you begin

To complete this guide, you need:

  1. Docker and Docker Compose
  2. An identity provider (IdP)

If you haven’t, complete the Pomerium Core quickstart to familiarize yourself with running Pomerium in a container environment.

Pomerium Enterprise customers can complete the Enterprise quickstart using Docker containers as well.

Run Jenkins with Docker Compose

Create a project and add a file called docker-compose.yaml.

In the docker-compose.yaml file, add the following code:

main: {}
image: jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
privileged: true
user: root
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000

# File path to Jenkins_home -- stores configs, build logs, and artifacts
- ./home/jenkins_compose/jenkins_configuration:/var/jenkins_home
# "sock" is the Unix socket the Docker daemon listens on by default
- ./var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Run docker compose up.

Set up your Jenkins instance

If your Jenkins container is set up correctly, the Setup Wizard will guide you through several prompts before you can access your dashboard.

To set up your Jenkins instance:

  1. Go to localhost:8080 and enter the admin user password to continue

You can find the admin user password in your Docker logs or in /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

Jenkins admin user password

  1. Install the suggested plugins
  2. Create an admin user

You can create your first admin user or select Skip and continue as admin. If you skip and continue as admin, the default username is admin and the password is the admin user password.

  1. In the Instance Configuration window, accept the default hostname

After completing the Setup Wizard prompts, you can access the Jenkins dashboard.

Jenkins dashboard

Run docker compose stop so you can configure Pomerium.

Configure Pomerium

Create a Pomerium configuration file

In your project’s root folder, create a config.yaml file.

In your config.yaml file, add the following code:


idp_provider: REPLACE_ME
idp_provider_url: REPLACE_ME
idp_client_id: REPLACE_ME
idp_client_secret: REPLACE_ME

signing_key: REPLACE_ME

- from:
to: http://verify:8000
pass_identity_headers: true
- allow:
- from:
to: http://jenkins:8080/
host_rewrite_header: true
pass_identity_headers: true
- allow:
- domain:
- user:
is: username

Next, you need to:

  • Update the identity provider configuration variables with your own
  • Replace with the email associated with your IdP
  • Replace with your organization’s domain name
  • Replace username with the username associated with your IdP
  • Generate a signing key

To generate a signing key, use the commands below:

# Generates a P-256 (ES256) signing key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out ec_private.pem
# Prints the base64 encoded value of the signing key
cat ec_private.pem | base64

Add the base64-encoded signing key to the signing_key variable in your config.yaml file.

Run Pomerium services with Docker Compose

In your docker-compose.yaml file, replace the code in the file with the Pomerium and Jenkins services below:

version: '3'
main: {}
image: pomerium/pomerium:latest
- ./config.yaml:/pomerium/config.yaml:ro
- 443:443
main: {}
image: pomerium/verify:latest
- 8000
main: {}
image: jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
privileged: true
user: root
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000
# File path to Jenkins_home -- stores configs, build logs, and artifacts
- ./home/jenkins_compose/jenkins_configuration:/var/jenkins_home
# "sock" is the Unix socket the Docker daemon listens on by default
- ./var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Run docker compose up and navigate to the external Jenkins route at

Jenkins will prompt you to sign in with your username and password.

Sign in to Jenkins

Sign in to continue to the Jenkins dashboard.

Install Jenkins plugins

Next, you need to add plugins to enable JWT authentication and bypass TLS validation.

Install the JWT Auth plugin:

  1. Select Manage Jenkins
  2. Under System Configuration, select Manage Plugins
  3. Select Available Plugins
  4. In the search bar, enter JWT Auth
  5. Select the JWT Auth plugin and Install without restart

Get JWT Auth plugin

Install the skip-certificate-check plugin:

  1. Select Available Plugins
  2. In the search bar, enter skip-certificate-check
  3. Select the skip-certificate-check plugin and Install without restart

Once you’ve installed both plugins, stop your containers (you don't need to stop your containers if you're using the Enterprise Console).

Configure JWT authentication

Go to your external Jenkins route.

To configure JWT authentication:

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins
  2. Under Security, select Configure Global Security
  3. Under Authentication > Security Realm, select JWT Header Authentication Plugin

Under Global JWT Auth Settings, you’ll see form fields where you can enter JWT claims. Pomerium forwards a user’s associated identity information in a signed attestation JWT that’s included in upstream requests in an X-Pomerium-Jwt-Assertion header.

With the JWT Auth plugin installed, Jenkins can receive and parse the assertion header to authenticate users – you just need to give it the right instructions to find the header and JWT claims.

JWT Auth form

Enter the following information in the Global JWT Auth Settings field:

Header namex-pomerium-jwt-assertion
Username claim namename or email
Groups claim namegroups
Groups claim list seperator,
Email claim nameemail

Note the following details about the fields above:

  • Username claim name can be either your name or email
  • Acceptable issuers must be the URL of the authentication domain that issued the JWT. The iss claim tells the target application who the issuing authority is and provides context about the subject.
  • Acceptable audiences must be the URL of the target application. The aud claim defines what application the JWT is intended for.
  • JWKS JSON URL appends /.well-known/pomerium/jwks.json to the authenticate service URL. The JWKS endpoint provides Jenkins the user’s public key to verify their JWT signature.

Go to the external verify route defined in your policy to view your JWT claims.

In the Authorization dropdown, configure Jenkins permissions so that Anonymous has Administer privileges.

  1. Select Matrix-based security
  2. Under Overall, assign Administer to Anonymous and Authenticated Users

If JWT authentication doesn't authenticate you successfully, Jenkins will sign you in as an anonymous user. With administer privileges, you can troubleshoot JWT settings as an anonymous user and try again.

Select save to apply the security settings.

Test JWT authentication

Restart your container. If the JWT authentication worked, you will see your name in the dashboard instead of admin. To see more details about the request, add /whoAmI to the URL. For example,

View JWT request headers

Update your Jenkins authorization settings

Now, you can configure your Jenkins authorization settings:

  1. Select Matrix-based security
  2. Select Add user… and enter the name or email associated with your IdP (the value depends on what claim you entered for Username claim name)

Jenkins matrix-based security

Assign yourself Administer privileges and whatever privileges seem appropriate to Authenticated Users and Anonymous users.

Select save to apply the security changes.

Next steps: Add more context to your policies

You can adjust the authorization policy within Jenkins to limit or broaden what privileges authenticated and anonymous users have, but you can also extend your authorization policies with Pomerium.

For example:

  • You can build a policy that only allows users to access Jenkins at certain times of day or days of the week, or limit access to certain devices
  • You can import custom groups claims from your IdP and only allow access to members of the group